When it comes to saving more money on your groceries, finding ways to save money can be challenging for a lot of Aussie families. That's where NQR comes in. Get your BIG BRAND groceries for less without compromising on quality or the brands you love!
Our loyal customers have been shopping at our stores for a long time & enjoying the HUGE SAVINGS! But for those just discovering us, at NQR we pride ourselves on offering our customers exciting BIG BRAND products for CHEAP PRICES! By shopping at NQR, you can get the same high-quality groceries you would find at other supermarkets, but for a fraction of the cost!
For example, let's compare the cost of 20 items from the latest NQR 4-page Catalogue vs elsewhere! This basket of groceries at NQR cost only $83.00, while the same basket elsewhere cost $252.54 – that's a MASSIVE saving of almost 70%!
So next time you're looking to save money on groceries, shop NQR first! you might be surprised at how much money you can save!